Sunday, May 27, 2012

English Classes Graduation!

First Session English Classes Graduation

Congratulations to the participants in the first session of English classes at the Lourie Zoranje Community Center! In total, 75 community residents including children and adults graduated from four classes (2 beginning; 1 intermediate; and 1 advanced). Graduation ceremonies were held separately for each class and participants were very proud to accept their certificates in front of their peers and family members.

“On behalf of the Community Center, we want to congratulate you on your hard work and dedication,” said Frantz Merazil, Community Center Activities Coordinator, “and we hope that you will continue with the course to improve your English.” 

Blog training

Blogging Training of Trainers

On May 6th, 2012, four staff members at the Lourie Zoranje Community Center proudly received certificates for successfully completing the first ever Training of Trainers (ToT) for blogging in Zoranje.

During the three-day seminar, computer teachers Agenord Alain, Alexis Oberjo, and James Vernelus along with sports teacher Billy Raphael learned how to design and build their own blogs. On the final day of the training, all course participants delivered presentations of their blogs while communicating more about themselves and their interests.

Agenord Alain presenting his blog to the course
Alexis Oberjo showing family photos on his blog
James Vernelus describing his interests
The participants are now ready to lead the next Training of Trainers on blogging and open it up to more members in the Zoranje community based on local demand. 

The concept of the training came into being after teachers in Zoranje began using the Zoranje Community Center and School blog ( as part of their computer classes at the Lourie Zoranje Community Center. “I wanted to have students use the blog to learn more about what was going on in their own community and to be proud of programs and events taking place in Zoranje," said computer teacher Agenord Alain, "the blog training has enabled me to now make my own blog and to show my students at the Zoranje elementary school how to do so as well.”

From left to right, Alexis Oberjo, James Vernelus, Agenord Alain, and Billy Raphael with their course certificates

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Online Research Courses at Zoranje

Students learning how to do online research at Zoranje

7th and 8th graders at the Ecole Nouvelle Zoranje enjoy participating in twice-weekly computer classes at the Lourie Zoranje Community Centre. Apart from acquiring basic computer skills, students also learn how to conduct internet research about various academic subjects.

8th graders Royal Durocher, Jennifer Pierre, Lauzama Christopher, and Jean Wilzer Harents are happy to share an online research assignment they recently completed on invertebrate animals, which you can browse below with
Professor computer Agenord Alain .

Les invertébrés sont des animaux dépourvus de vertèbres ils sont habituellement sans squelettes mais quelques espèces d'animaux sont incluses comme les colobric.
il existe plusieurs types d'animaux invertébré parmi eux il y a: les spongiaires, les gastrotriches, ect......
spongiaires: Elles sont généralement colorées, en jaune ,brun, rose, rouge ,violet, bleu ou vert ,mais elles peuvent aussi  être blanche ou grisâtre .La coloration peut être due a des pigment ,mais aussi a des sels métalliques (de fer par exemple) voire a des algues ou bactéries symbiotes.Les éponges ou spongiaires forment l'organisation la plus simple: ce sont des colonie de cellules  peu différenciées sans agencement fixe .ce sont des animaux qui ne possède pas l’appareil génital ni appareil excréteur .le système nervure est très primitif est dillut.les spongiaires ou les éponges sont des animaux généralement fixés .Elle peuvent avoir un port rampant (forme encroutante ) ou dressé (en coupe en amphore ,en boule ou ramifiée) chez les espèces ramifiées ,les rameaux peuvent se disposer en touffe(formation de ramification dans tous les plants de l’espace) ou sur un seul plant(forme en éventail ex:janthella) les rameaux peuvent rester isolés, ou s’anastomoser.(ex:clathrina).

Les gastrotriches,ect :ces bilateriens sont recouvert d’une cuticule ornementée mais non chitineuse. Ils présentent un tube digestif rectiligne de la bouche à l’anus, avec pharynx charge de propulser les aliments vers l’intestin. Quelques espèces possèdent des potonéphridies pour leur excréations.Il n’y a ni système respiratoire ,ni système circulatoire.par contre leurs systèmes nerveux est bien développé avec un système de soies sensorilles-leurs corps est recouverts de cirls vibratiles, notamment autour de la bouche et sur leur face ventrale 2 à 250 appendices à l'arrière assurent leur fixation temporaire sur le végétation ou le fond.ils disposent d'un système à deux glandes: une glande sécrète une substance adhésive alors que l'autre permet la déconnexion du support.

Preparer par le groupe C de la 8em année Fondamental(ENZ)… Royal durocher, Jennifer Pierre,LauzamaChristopher,Jean Wilzer Harens 

Jean .W.Harents et les autres eleves
P.Jennifer et les autres eleves


Friday, May 11, 2012

Thank You to The French American School of Miami

Thank You to The French American School of Miami

We would like to thank The French American School of Miami for their generous fundraising efforts on behalf of Kindergarten students in Zoranje. Two thousand six hundred dollars raised by the school’s students went toward books, crayons, pencils, playdough, a small bed, and sheets for the Zoranje Kindergarten. We are also appreciative of their continued efforts to raise funds to plant trees in the Zoranje schoolyard, which is currently lacking in greenery and shade.

Please check out these links to The French American School of Miami blog for more information: